I’ve been blessed with many gifts and for a long time the
front runner was my art.
I was a lot younger and back then it was normal to find me creating with pencils or paints in hand. I spent endless hours pouring my soul onto paper.
From dark and light shades, it was a peaceful place where lost feelings made sense.
But you know the story, marriage and family became the priority and everything else was pushed aside.
That family road was amazing and it’s hard for me to believe that the kids are grown. It seems like just the other day we were running to karate and horse-riding lessons.
So many great memories and now for the first time in years there is time.
Time for me to get back to my art.
I started taking a few watercolor classes because painting was pulling me into the arena of natural beauty. The classes were neat, but I was having difficulty finding my style.
I wanted to be me, and nature continued pulling at my heart. From wildflowers in the ditches and the wind traveling through tall grass, inspiration was everywhere.
Finally, ideas started flowing like never before.
Ideas sort of help us make sense of who we are.
My advice, if you have been blessed with a gift don’t waste it and let it be a blessing to others.
Forget about what others think, reach out and let it be. That’s what I’ve been doing, I paint small cards and give them away because it brings me joy.
My mom has been good to encourage from a distance by nudging positive words in my direction. She seems to really likes the new watercolor paintings, enough to even frame some which is pretty neat.
We all like to be reminded of the good we have inside us.
Find the gift you’ve been blessed with and let it bring out the best in you.