In life it’s easy to travel through each day with an idea
of what things should look like. When
those plans are faced with road blocks many times giving up becomes the path to
move forward.
I will tell you upfront that as I’ve traveled through life, I have been faced with more roadblocks than I care to mention.
Overtime it has become more important how I handle those roadblocks as we go through each day.
Sometimes things happen the way they do for a reason and knowing the “reason” is not part of equation. This can be frustrating, but it can also help us grow.
Most recently, Robert and I were headed to the property to go work on the house. As we were driving towards the stop sign this tree was smack down in the middle of the road.
We were getting a semi late start because I was moving slow and instead of seeing this situation as an “actual roadblock “we both quickly looked to our left and said, “we could go around it.”
Before we could do that, I wanted to make sure that the path was good enough for passing. It had been raining for several days and you just never know what a dirt path will be like in swamp country.
Immediately I could smell this tree and realized it was a fresh fall and quickly thought the outcome of this day could have been very different by just a few minutes.
We were able to pass from our left and as we drove on, I said to Robert, “you know what I love about us, we don’t let roadblocks keep us from moving forward.”
There were three other cars behind us and each one turned around…