Autumn Spice Blend


A mix of seasonal spices for baking

The season of autumn is an awaited time of year here in the south.  After months of scorching temperatures, we rejoice at 70-degree weather.  

After Labor Day, it can take a few weeks for those cooler temperatures to arrive so many of us prepare through food and home decorating. 

I like to prep for the changing season with a nice Autmn spice blend.  It is a handy blend for jazzing up my morning coffee and adding to an afternoon smoothie. There are additional ways to use this recipe and the list is long.  

First let us get to the ingredients so you can make your own and start enjoying this in your home. Currently I am purchasing most of my spices online from Frontier and Simply Organic.

5 ingredients to make your own seasonal spice for fall.

Autumn Spice Blend Ingredients

Place all ingredients into a canning jar using a wide mouth funnel. Then cover the jar with a lid and shake. Add a label to the jar is also a good idea to remember the blend. I have found it is easy to get things mixed up especially if you have a large inventory of herbs and spices in the pantry.

If you want a lesser stash, simply cut the recipe in half and repeat the rest of the directions by storing in a smaller jar.

This recipe is easy and you might already have a lot of these ingredients in your pantry.  If not, I made sure to link purchase options above.  

Isn't this a great way to enjoy the season of fall in the next several months?  I think so and additional ways to dote on this "Autumn Spice Blend" is through sprinkling on oatmeal, baking in muffins and sweet breads, buttered popcorn and I even use it with tea.

I may come back and share some of those recipes at a later date because this is one of those blends that I love having handy this time of year. 

See the Good,


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