Be Inspired at Jayne Margaret Photography


Be inspired by Jane an amazing photographer and flower farmer.

Have you ever met others who inspire?  Do you get excited for them when they try something new and succeed?

Let me tell you about Jane, we met several years ago through blogging.  At the time she was writing Grit Antiques; with the combination of vintage collectibles and her amazing photography I was impressed.

It was her calm personality and kind heart that stood out and let me say, surrounding yourself with good people is what makes life worthwhile.

After our first introduction we continued working together on a few other things and it was fun. Then her blog went quiet for a while and later she began leaning towards new goals.

Even after I retired my gardening blog, I continued following her journey on social media. She inspired me to not give up when I was really burned out.

There were times when she talked about taking a rest and writing on paper to find your next path.  It was like we were on a similar search and as you can see, I didn’t give up.

When she decided to rebrand from Grit Antiques to “Jayne Margaret Photography” I was happy for her. She took her love for antiques, beautiful eye for photography and combined them into an amazing art form.

I’m not kidding when I say this, her images are some of the most inspired calming pieces of photography I have ever seen.

I love them all and I know you will too.

Then later on she decided to reach further, she began growing cut flowers in raised beds.  I really believe that is when she started to blossom from the inside out even more.

There is something about growing and working with flowers that feeds the soul.  It brings forward the good inside of us and I have many friends near and far that will agree with that sentiment.

Jane started to use her beautiful flowers and incorporate them with the photography and antique pieces. The result is simply stunning. 

She’s now selling her work in prints and I’m looking forward to selecting my favorite after we finish building our new home.

You will find a variety of neat gift items in her online shop and she packages everything with grace.
I’d like to encourage you to read her blog and I recommend starting from the beginning.  That way you can experience the progression of growth I’m speaking of.  Who knows maybe Jane will inspire your next idea?  
