Autumn Spice Iced Coffee at Home


Get this awesome recipe that you will enjoy making through the season of fall.

I love this time of year, it's what I call the season of comfort food that brings flavor together.  From the natural colors and the drop in temperature each day offers a special kind of thanks. I like to bring that excitement into our home by adding the taste of fall in my cooking and this includes my coffee.

I get jazzed about making my own iced coffee; I create something a little different than say the traditional pumpkin spice called autumn spice iced coffee. It takes minutes to put together and has become an afternoon treat I enjoy with a good book in hand.

My mix of fall spice that I use a lot to jazz up my food.

Autumn Spice Mix

My quick and easy iced coffee begins with freshly ground beans and my autumn spice mix. This blend is easy to make; you might already have some of the ingredients in your pantry.

I use this for a lot of things this time of year and it's also good for your health.  If you missed this, then here's the recipe, have it handy because I guarantee you will use it often.

Get the ingredients to make your own at home.

Ingredients & How to Make Autumn Spice Iced Coffee

    • 2 shots of espresso
    • 1 tsp honey
    • 2 pinches of spice blend
    • Unsweetened almond milk or whole milk
    • 3 or 4 ice cubes

The first thing you want to do is brew your 2 shots of espresso.  I highly recommend grinding your beans on the spot as the flavor will be more vibrant.  Then go ahead and prepare your drinking glass by adding the spice and honey.

Sounds pretty easy right?  It is because once your espresso is ready to pour, add it to your glass and stir those three ingredients together using a spoon.  You will be able to feel the honey dissolve and it will smell amazing. 

The final step is to add two ice cubes and fill the glass with your choice of milk.  I prefer almond and then stir again finishing with the remainder of the ice cubes and enjoy.  

I love making this at home because it's not sickening sweet like the ice coffees we get in the marketplace.  It feels like you are drinking something healthy that is also enjoyable. Give it a try because I have no doubt, you're going to enjoy the Autumn Spice Iced Coffee at home.

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