Authentic Living With Love


A look at positive thinking and sharing love with others.

Love is an action of being selfless, this means to stop going through life looking for what you want. Instead look at what you can do for others and ask God “what do you want from me?”

God has a plan for your life; this was decided long before you had dreams, goals or desires. Let me share a bible verse that has helped me sum up authentic living with love…

This is the day the lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.  Psalm 118:24
Are you wondering what this verse may have to do with love?  My answer would be everything! Nobody can realistically choose how each day will unfold but we do get to choose how we react. Our comeback might depend on how we are feeling in that moment and sometimes that may not always be bright. 

The first thing you need to understand is that God loves you, he knows your heart and every thought. He created all of us for his purpose from a place of unconditional love.  This love is light without a heavy burden and nobody can take that from you.  

Friends, his love is eternal…

So yes, this is the day the lord has made, accept this and be thankful you are part of it. Rejoice in this new day with a smile because some people didn’t get another one.  

Start each morning saying, It’s a new day.  If something negative happens, rise above those moments and be glad that you have this day to make things better.

Seek opportunities to share love.  

You are given places to connect daily, the problem is we complicate everything, so we fail to see what is right in front of us.  Be the selfless person God has created us all to be.  This is the day friends, for the month of February begin authentic living with love.  

See the good,


Get a free inspirational phone screen with peonies and love.

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In case you missed the first installment of this series read A Look at Authentic Living here.