Almost a year ago I sat down to begin writing this yearlong series about authentic living. If you
are reading for the first time, I have conveniently linked everything here.
I shared my thoughts each month with a word from the bible verse Galatians 5:22 the fruit of the spirit.
But if the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control; against such things there is no law.
This verse is a message from Paul explaining how a person is to live in accordance with the holy spirit.
These nine attributes are part of a lifelong process when we accept Christ as our Lord and savior. We develop and embrace the fruit of the spirit to be more Christ like.
What I like most about these words is they are precise and quickly help you see your own weaknesses and strengths. They help us stay in check and when we are authentic with each one, we mature in our faith in the most beautiful way.
The New Testament is where I did most of my bible reading this year. It's always a joy and I paid close attention to how Christ navigated this earth. I often fail here; I was specifically interested in his interactions with people.
Rich or poor, good or evil it was always the
same, in love and through truth.
A Bold Request
Shortly after I began writing this series, I had asked my husband for some advice that led to a bold request.Robert hardly ever I mean ever asks anything of me but towards the beginning of 2024 it was apparent he was feeling some of my emotions and he boldly said, I have a thought.
Having no idea what he was going to say I responded, “let’s hear it.”
He said, for one year I want you to stop helping other people and focus on you. I sat there for a moment, quiet and then replied, but helping is sort of who I am.
He agreed but reminded me it was just for the year and when was the last time I had focused on myself.
Not being able to imagine what this would look like I quickly asked, can I keep writing my blog because that is sort of a helpful thing. He said of course…
I agreed to the unknown and I began by keeping to myself. I also closed my Facebook account which was very uplifting; something I highly recommend.
I ventured to new places and for the most part, I retreated thinking the best way to avoid helping was to stay secluded and focus on my goals.
After just a few months of seclusion, I began to feel the spirit in my heart grow.
The more time I spent outdoors a sense of personal encouragement also surfaced. My garden was looking amazing, I was moving a lot of dirt and time in my art studio was no longer distracted.
In addition to reading my bible I read more books. I spent very little time on my phone, uninstalled multiple apps and continued to limit who I communicated with.
I wasn’t making these decisions because I was upset with anyone, but I was trying to clear my head and really focus on Robert’s request to avoid helping and focus on myself.
I later realized his request was more about helping myself.
The Most Authentic Time
This past year has been genuine and at the same time I have
thanked my husband multiple times for making this request.
Each month I established some healthy habits and instilled routines that help me live more spirit filled.
More importantly I stopped giving my time to people who do
not deserve it. Meaning, I went on this journey blind and in return found "my path" instead of
helping someone else find theirs.
Like I often say at the close of my writings, be the good. If you are authentic and living for the
spirit, goodness will find you and everything else will disappear.
We are in the most authentic time of year preparing for the birth of our Messiah Jesus Christ. May the grace of our Lord Jesus always be present and may you choose a journey to live for the spirit.
Merry Christmas and Cheers to 2025
Be the good,
This Entire Authentic Living Series can be read here.
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